Have you ever had someone say something to you that you think is so deep and insightful that you tell them how much you liked it?
Yeah, I think we've all been there at one point or another.
So anyway, today I was cleaning out a desk drawer the other day, and found this little scrap of paper in my mom's handwriting... and it all came back to me.
Mom and I were on the phone, and I was having a really bad week with my fibromyalgia/chronic fatigue issues. At the time, I was a physical wreck, too sick to work reliably, and my whole life was circling the drain awaiting the big FLUSH... but at the moment I was blissfully unaware.
Instead, I was toughing it out and trying to make the best of things. If I had a super power, THAT would be it. "Look out bad guys! It's Optimism Girl!" <Pow!> <Zap!> <Platitude!>
That day, I was trying so hard to find the silver lining in a cloud that, at the time, seemed darker than any midnight I could imagine. Little did I know things would get a whole lot worse before they got better. But what's funny is that at that time, and that place, my words rang a bell with *someone.*
At least I had THAT.
But does it still count if that "someone" if it's your mom?
This little scrap of paper has somehow made it from her notes to my house, and for me, it was just as good as a pat on the back. Or a hug. ( Or a freakin' miracle... if you've ever seen her organization style, you'd understand!.
Or it could have been just some kind of confirmation that I'm seeing things clearly and actually doing something right, and that I was seeing it all clearly... even back then.
Sometimes you can see the whole world, and still trip over the rock at your feet. I guess that's what being human is all about.
Whatever it was, when I pulled this out today and looked at it, it made me smile... not just because she was impressed enough to write it down, save it, and give it to me, but because it's pretty damn TRUE. And kinda prophetic, in a weird sort of way.
It IS the things we struggle against that make us strong! Plants grown in zero G don't put down strong root systems because they don't have to-- there's no wind to knock them around. With weak root systems, they can't hold up their mature weight, and DIE.
Anyway, it's weird-- and awesome-- how things come around full circle.